The Unseen Reality
I came across a section this morning in my favorite book of all time, The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth (which I am now reading for the third time) that pierces through the core of our dualistic society. Mind you, this text was written in 1987, and maintains its relevance almost 40 years later.
This book is a TOMB - it is 500 pages of pure truth written in size 10 font.
Here it goes..
“Patriarchy has split material production from spiritual experience, science from magic, medicine from herbal knowledge and psychic/seasonal environment, sexuality from the sacred, art from craft, astronomy from astrology, language from poetry - and to place the resultant “specialized,” abstracted, and mechanistic knowledge in the hands of a privileged male elite organized into professions, hierarchies and classes. To reduce the ecstatic dance of muscle, blood, and soul to factory assembly lines, production output schedules, and the gross national product".
For one, I love men. In this context, the “patriarchy” is not signaling out individual men, but calling out a system that has completely removed the magic, the unseen, from everyday experiences. When we come across someone who is “spiritual” or “woo woo”, we perceive them as doing something extra, or out of the ordinary. In actuality, these individuals are lucky enough to still be connected to the original creative force, from which we all came.
This connection to the original creative force is a superpower. It is what the majority of people, especially Americans, are missing from their day to day experience. Depression, physical discomfort, burned out nervous systems, digestive problems, hair loss, a lack of creativity, anxiety and more all stem out of being alienated from source. This alienation creates physical / mental / emotional / spiritual imbalances and then, to top it off, 99.9% of people don’t know how to tend to themselves when something is off.
I truly believe that one of the most impactful steps anyone can take towards wellbeing is to become connected with the magic, unseen but very powerful force of life that keeps out hearts beating, the trees growing and the bees buzzing. One only needs to watch Green Planet or Plant Earth to feel the spark of nature, from which we all come <3.